Highlight of Huntingdon
This past year, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in Huntingdon, PA at Juniata College. I've learned a lot as a teacher and as an artist, but I think the highlight of my time spent in Huntingdon was having the opportunity to fire with Jack Troy and his trusty team, at his home studio in Huntingdon. The following images are from the second firing of the "Pixigama" in March, a small but still sizable kiln that a team of nine ceramicists and enthusiasts collectively fired over a period of five days. Kiln-side conversations sparked new friendships and a never ending stream of engaging conversations. For that, I'm ever grateful and will miss this firing crew as I head to my next ceramics adventure. I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Jack, Carolanne, Lynn Anne, Eileen, Mike, Nick, Kyle, Rob, and BJ. Happy firing to you all!